5 reasons why we love Robert Downey Jr.

A career spanning well over 35 years! Robert Downey Jr. is one of the biggest names in Hollywood industry today. He is one of the highest paid actors in the world as well. You look at someone like RDJ & you can't help but think, how did the man reach such a stature? His father, Robert Downey Senior, was himself an actor & a filmmaker. One would imagine life was easy on RDJ as he belonged to a filmy background. But, there are more layers to it that one can see. When you look back at RDJ's life & career, it can't be described as nothing less than "Controversial"! Yet people adore him, people side by him, people look up to him as an inspiration. Here are 5 reasons why Robert Downey Jr is one of the most loved actors in the world!

1. Rollercoaster Past

Robert Downey Jr hasn't witnessed the best of times in his childhood. At the age of 6, his father 
allowed him to use marijuana. Can you believe it? At the very small age of 6, when someone should be playing with his toys, he was already into drugs. Of course it was going to become a habit and just when he started to do well in film business, his troubled past came back to haunt him. He was imprisoned too many times between 1991-2001. When he was rehabilitating one last time in 2001, his wife left him and took their son with her as well. After all of this, he came back and had to start from scratch all over again. But he didn't let go the fighting spirit in him. He came back, he struggled but that's how the life's been for him. And today he is standing at the top of the pedestal. Oh well, that's Robert Downey Jr for you and his rollercoaster life is one of the reasons to get inspired by him, to love him and be in awe of him!

2. Charming and Witty 

His charming personality is something ladies can't resist. He has been best described as the 80s heartthrob but goddamn it, the charm still doesn't fade away. His sense of humor is something that the men can't resist. So he's not only a ladies man but a men's man as well. And even at the age of 53, he still manages to be as good as he ever was. Need anymore of the reasons? Well there are a few more to go through so you can just keep scrolling up!

3. Multifaceted Individual

He can act, he can sing and the best part, he can do tap dance. How many of you can do tap dance? I bet no one. And he is not a bathroom singer like most of us, let me remind you that. He released his debut album "The Futurist" back in 2004. At this point of the time in his career, movie scripts weren't really flowing through for him. So he decided to release a music album & was quite successful in his attempt at singing. The album debuted at number 121 on Billboard 200 chart which can be considered an overwhelming response. Once Kiss Kiss Bang Bang happened, he didn't get another chance to release any sort of music. It was great for all of us since we got to enjoy the best version of Robert Downey Jr! 

4. Hero To The Kids

There's no doubt that children very much look up to him. We all know the reason why but more important is how he treats his fans who look up to him as a hero. He has always lived up to his tag of the superhero. He hasn't missed a chance of metting and greeting the young cancer patients and making them feel special. The amazing thing about Robert Downey Jr is he knows how to put a smile on a kid's face, as you can see in the picture above. That's one more reason to love him! 

5. The Iron Man Of Our Hearts

People often remember Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark, The Iron Man of the MCU. He might have exited MCEU leaving everyone in tears as well, he still hasn't left the hearts of Marvel fans. Robert Downey Jr has played some charismatic roles like Charlie Chaplin, Sherlock Holmes in his illustrious film career but none better than Tony Stark AKA Iron Man. This is the role that proved to be the gamechanger for him. We have always been thrilled to bits to witness him as the witty, the charming, the brilliant genius that is Tony Stark. Some people might find it difficult to separate Tony Stark from RDJ. It almost feels like they are the same person which is indeed baffling. We might not witness him as Iron Man anymore but one thing is for sure, we cannot stop loving him as The Iron Man! 

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