Porn Addiction: How to get rid of it?

Porn is bad for health as it affects you physically as well as mentally

Don't people become too sensitive when they talk about this topic? Let's face it, most of the youth population has been affected marvelously by porn. Porn Addiction might seem right to you in the first place as it helps you get the pleasure which helps get rid of stress too. Everyone is not privileged with a sex life but is it really required to watch porn in order to mazturbate? The answer is a no at the very first go. The problem with porn is that once you start watching it, there's no turning back. You happen to have porn Addiction in most number of cases and it does affect you in and out. Your energy is lost, you cannot think straight, it's a complete mess. But you can try getting rid of porn. Here's how you should try doing it:- 

Deleting porn 

If you have kept it stored, you know how much porn addiction is making you weak. This is something that doesn't just turn you off in terms of energy but your mind starts becoming numb. You stop being thought provoking and have a one dimensional approach. Why does it happen to be the case? When you have a library of porn itself, porn addiction becomes way too normal and you have to stop your behavioural patterns right there. Just delete the history, it takes just one click. Is that too much to ask for? Not really. 

Find and choose activities

Why does porn addiction happen in the first place? There's a very simple reason behind the cause. You have nothing to do, you turn horny and all you can think is search for the Mia Khalifas and Dani Daniels online. Once you go in, you do not walk out without watching a couple of videos. You better find yourself an activity to do. Try some sport, there are indoor as well as outdoor activities. You need to catch your breath, the fresh air need to sulk into your body. You can try to do some exercises or better yet, go for yoga. As the hindi saying goes, "Yoga se hi hoga"!

Discuss & evaluate 

Most of the people with porn addiction happen to be the ones with no life. They do not have any friends to talk to, they are not in a relationship. They have no self confidence, in short, their life is a mess. This is why they see no other thing to live on where they can spend their time daily. All they do and all they see is porn and there are no blurred lines there. Once you start having those conversations with people, you will feel much better. You will be in a much better space and your lust gets lost in the shuffle. 

Boosting healthy lifestyle 

If you wake up at the right time, do the right exercises, eat the right kind of food, sleep at the right point of time, there would never be a chance of porn addiction and I can guarantee you that. You need to be disciplined in your life, that is the key to success. But at the same point of time, discipline leads to normal ideas in your mind. You are not thinking about porn, you are rather thinking about how to live a peaceful as well as prosperous life. So you need to get rid of sleeping late night, waking up late, using too much of your mobile phone and things will definitely get better. You need to trust the process.

Leave it ASAP 

Most of the people who go on to become rapist happen to belong to the population of folks who have porn addiction. You might think it is not as harmful as drug addiction, newsflash, IT'S WORSE. So you have to stop visiting those websites time and again. You would not be getting any pills to stop looking at porn, it all depends on your mind. If you think straight, you will behave properly and your lust will come down too. So if you are addicted to it, take a pledge right now that you would not be visiting porn websites ever again.

Porn culture destroys you in and out. This is for your betterment, no one else can help you to bail out from it. You need to introduce yourself to the change as there is no other alternative.

Are you addicted to porn? Or were you into porn addiction and left it after a certain period of time? Let me know in the comments below! 

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