Who can make a good blogger/content writer?

Content writing or blogging is one of the professions in today's day and age

When we talk about professions or jobs through which a living can be made, barely anyone looks up to content writing even if it is their forte. Especially in a country like India where there's a set pattern of ideas which people want to fit themselves into and get the acceptance of society. But people who are driven by goals that set them apart from the other bunch, who are proving out to be amazing content writers know that blogging is not only fun & games. There's a lot of money that you can earn out of it too at the same point of time, just like a 9 to 5 job. But most of the individuals do not even know about content writing, let alone trying it and succeeding at the same. In this blog, we discuss who can make a good content writer or a blogger so here it is:- 

A thinker 

 Everyone with a right mind can think. Does it mean everyone with a right mind can become a blogger or a content writer? The answer is no. Yes, everyone can think but in order to become a good content writer, you need to think rationally. When you have a deep analysis of things, you will always end up having at least one point that makes your opinion stand out and different from all the others. This is what can make you a good content writer as well. When you look around, you will see numerous bloggers talking about the same niches and even the same topics. But their idea of a common topic differs from each other and each distinguishing point has its own meaning which makes a hell lot of sense at the same point of time. 

    Good choice of words

It is not enough if you have a different thinking process than the others that makes sense. You need to know how to put it in words in order to become a good content writer. Most of the individuals have a lot going through their mind but when they have to pen it down, they are not able to explain it. Even if they make a blog, the intention of writing will differ from the output. You need to express it in words and the best of them have to be extracted in order to draw the audience. No matter what kind of art you excel at, the recognition is a must. If you want to get recognized as a blogger or a content writer, you need to have a very good choice of words each time you blog. So in case you're persuasive as a content writer, go on and make it a successful journey! 


Freshness is required in content writing and blogging

 This is something which each content writer finds a hard pill to swallow. When you do something time and again, you are basically stuck in a loophole. The saddest part is that you try hard but you fail to adjoin the sort of words you wish you did. Your readers are disappointed with you too and the circle goes on and on until you take that break which you need. Blogging or content writing is not something that just requires you to be efficient. You need to group together the efficiency as well as effectiveness and that's how you become a force to be reckoned with as a writer. So if you ever face Aphasia, you better close your notebook and take a break. When you look at life, try to understand it and get new meaning out of it, you will be back at your job better than ever. Focusing on quality over quantity will always prove to be the best decision, especially in the long run.


You might ask your friends, your co-workers regarding how good you're at your job but in case of content writing, you need to look into your own mirror. It is about trying to be your own best critic because there is no other way you will feel motivated. You face those times in your life as a writer when you just don't feel right about your work. It is because you introspect too much and that's a quality of a good content writer. When you feel you're perfect at something, you give up on trying new things and you tend to grow overconfident too. Introspection will always lead to problems in oneself because no matter how amazing you become at your work, you're never perfect. There's always a chance of learning new things and the case stays the same with content writing or blogging too.

It's been more than 1 year of blogging on my side and I have seen both highs as well as lows as a blogger. It is important to keep trying and working hard to try and reach your goals. As a content writer, I have been able to satisfy my clients and looking back at the journey feels really good and distinctive. But the scope to learn increases after each passing blog and article. I will keep on trying to find new ways to write and work around more meaningful projects so that I can be called a good content writer in unison by people. 

Are you a blogger or a content writer? Do you think you're a good content writer or you can make one in the future? What are your opinions about my blogs? Let me know in the comments! 

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  1. I am a poetry blogger and a beginner.. Yeah, choice of words is very important. Sometimes I face problem in that part..I think may be in future I will be able to write good stuffs too apart from what I'm writing today...

    1. You will, I have checked out your blogs and you're amazing at it.. keep going on!

  2. Indeed. Word selection is important. You must write in a lucid manner so as to not perplex the reader.
    Loved it.

  3. i have done blogging and that's the best that choice of words is a thing that attract the readers more! Loved the blog!

    1. Thanks! Why don't you come back again tho? It is a fun task

  4. The headers that you have there are on point. This will surely help the budding writers.

  5. I'm a blogger. Yes, choosing the right words is really important. Sometimes I get stumped when it comes to words. But I guess I am improving in that area.

    1. You will eventually, you just need to see through the tough phase!

  6. I've been blogging for years now and you're right to say that freshness is very important. When I feel stuck, I take a break from blogging and go out to live my life, interact with friends and stuff. I return when I feel like I have something new to say, something that I feel like I would be enthusiastic to write about.

    1. Absolutely, that's the way you need to go about things.. A break is utmost when it comes to blogging!

  7. Using significantly meaningful words make the content insightful. And this engages the the ardent reader and he is bound to visit the blog again and again. This is my own experience !

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, big fan of your work by the way!

  9. Content is indeed king. And the way it is presented would also count a lot.
