Health related mistakes that we often make

In a fast moving world, people are struck doing something or the other. It's difficult to take some time out and have a concern about your health. We ignore our health until and unless it gets out of our hands. One may never know if he or she is to face a severe disease in the future. We all have tendency to do things on regular basis regarding what we eat, what we drink, what we breath and what not without thinking twice whether it can be harmful to our health or not. Here are some of the mistakes that we often make:-

        Brushing right after eating 

This is one of the most common mistakes that everyone makes. It's advised to brush before you eat but even if you're brushing after you eat, you need to take a gap of well about half an hour. A study states that brushing straight after eating can cause acid erosion which adversely affects the protective layer on your teeth. Thus, you should avoid brushing after you eat for a period of half an hour at the very least.

      Sleeping less or Oversleeping 

Sleep can be very very tricky. We often make far too many mistakes with how we sleep and when we sleep. If we have a busy schedule throughout a day, we hardly get a sleep of 5 to 6 hours a day. If we are having holidays, we tend to sleep and sleep a lot. It is advised to sleep in the range of 7 to 8 hours a day. If you sleep as much, you feel more relaxed and you can focus on your day to day activities more effectively.

Snacking regularly

A cheat day in a week is fine but to eat snacks all day everyday can be a huge problem. We don't get it since it is a slow burn. Snacks eat you from inside slowly and steadily. It is important to go for the home made food on regular basis and ignore snacks as much as possible.

Using phone all day

Sometimes we use our phone for hours and hours and we don't even know the purpose of it. We might be landing to the same posts on social media but we continuously hold on to it. It is very important to get rid of your phone since it can squeeze your mind. Remember when we didn't have a phone and we utilized our time in doing interesting things that made life more charming? It's important to revert back to old times to keep your health on check.

         Undisciplined food routines

Someday we will be eating all day and someday we will be hardly eating one or two times a day. We tend to ignore our breakfast more often than not. It's important to eat at least 4 times a day and eat on regular intervals. You cannot afford to ignore your breakfast for sure. If you can have disciplined food routines, the chances of health issues effective immediately drops down as well. 

If a health issue arrises, it is important to address a doctor rather than ignoring such issue until it becomes a huge mess. If you can follow these points, you will definitely find improvement in your health which can lead to a happy and prosper life as well!

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  1. Great post! I'm glad that I can say that as I read this I'm eating a banana and blueberries for breakfast. But I could do a much better job of being consistent in eating AND my sleep. Thanks for the reminders.

  2. Ugh...I am guilty of literally every single one of these. I'm a SAHD with a 2-month-old and a 2 1/2 year old. I snack all day (usually on the leftovers my toddler didn't eat and I don't want to waste) and I can't remember the last time I slept 6 hours in a 24 hour period. I'm guessing it was over 2 months ago

    1. You really need to check on your health brother because it is a slow burn. You will not feel the bad impact it creates until you are in a big mess!

  3. I'm guilty of under sleeping! I tend to do a lot of work at night, get 4 hours sleep, then get up and start my day.

    1. You should give priority to your health more than anything else Nyxie, it is very important

  4. I'm guilty of a lot of these! Your have great tip though, thank you!

  5. What a great list! Great reminders (I'm guilty of a lot of them too! :-()

    1. You need to ignore your bad habits asap I believe!

  6. I'm definitely guilty of the snacking and excess phone use. I promise to do better!!! ;) ;)
