Weird Technological experiments that failed miserably in 21st century

Technology has been such an integral part of today's day & age. What you eat, what you drink, what you breath everything has something or the other to do with technology. We are surrounded by Technology and all of us have surrendered to it one way or the other.
Technology changes on everyday basis. There are hundreds of technologies getting invented. Some of these technologies are an instant hit with us while some fail to catch the eyeballs. There have been various occasions where organizations have went too far with their experimentation. While in return, they have received nothing but failure. Here are some of those technological mistakes that missed the mark terribly.

           Samsung Galaxy Note 7 

Remember this? Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has to be one of the biggest disasters in Technology. The phone was launched to rave views as most of the critics believed it had all the elements to be in the wishlist of every mobile phone lover. It was all good for the company until the explosion happened. A few users saw their phone catching fire and Samsung had to take immediate action. It was the end of the road for Samsung Galaxy Note 7 right there and then.

Nokia N-Gage 

Well, Nokia's had some terrible experiments in the recent past. But nothing is as disastrous as Nokia N-Gage. I bet most of you don't even know about this. It was launched in 2003 and its production was discontinued within a few months. A combo of mobile phone and a gaming console, it was an outrageously stupid decision. Just imagine talking to someone with this device up your ear, it will be one of the most terrible experiences ever.

Motorola Backflip

Motorola was on a hunt of producing weird mobile designs back in early 2010s until it came out with Moto and changed its date. Motorola Backflip has to be the biggest flop for the company in 21st century. It was a touchscreen phone whose back would flip around to reveal a physical keyboard. How did they approve this idea in the first place? That remains a mystery. But what isn't a mystery is the fact that Motorola received severe losses from the production of this phone.

MSN Direct Smartwatch

Back in 2004, Microsoft didn't shy away from a technological blunder. MSN Direct Smartwatch was an example. Although it could be considered ahead of its time, it used Radio waves to provide news, weather, sports related updates to its users at $9.99 per month. Bulkier than the normal watches, people had mixed feelings about the product. It was tough luck for these watches since the trend of smartphones had started shortly after. As a result, it faded into Oblivion a couple of years later.

HTC First 

Let's talk about the primary feature this phone would provide you. It has a preloaded feature of Facebook Home which will let you access the updates of your friends right on your home screen thus making it easier for you to use Facebook. Wow, such a never seen never heard before feature which would be a trendsetter in technology. HTC First came out in 2013 which makes it even worse. It was a stupid idea to be honest and it deserves the fate it ended up getting.

These products have been produced some of the IT giants yet people don't remember any of these anymore. The biggest reason is that if one product fails, there's another one to fall back to. You cannot take your audience for granted, at least not in case of technology. There are many more technological failures out there but none better than the ones stated above!

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  1. Great post on technology.
    I love to read technology stuff. Thank you for sharing this post with all technology lovers like me.

    Keep Posting!

    1. These kind of posts will keep coming through!

  2. This was interesting. At least they shouldn't make the same mistakes again.

    1. Ya, they need to forget about it and move on with more interesting prospects

  3. The N-Gage looks so bulky! I always loved Nokia, but I never knew this was a thing.

  4. Super cool post, I actually had the Nokia N-gage as a kid! I confirm that it was a terrible decision, I even was embarassed to use it outdoors!

    1. Lmao, I can understand that! Sorry for the late reply tho
