In a village of Himachal Pradesh, there lived two boys. One, belonging to a rich and royal family named Vikas who was blunt and brutally honest and another, belonging to a middle-class family scratching and clawing to make both ends meet named Aarav who happened to be intelligent and calm. They were really great friends who loved living life on the edge. They were really keen on going for adventures and scaling new heights. The only problem was that they were still teenagers studying in secondary school in the nearby city and they were never allowed to go for an outing unless it was a family picnic. They were fed up of going out alongside their family since the chance to pull off adventures minimised and it bothered both of them a lot.
It was summer vacation for them as both of them would do absolutely nothing but play cricket throughout the day. They had a good time doing their stuff but they needed something fresh that would excite them.
So this one fine evening, they were sitting on the terrace of the Panchayati Bhawan (committee's building) discussing the same.
Vikas said, "Enough is enough Aaru, we need to get our shit straight and travel to the kalimandi peak (a mountain range nearby)".
Aarav took a deep breath and replied, "Our parents will never allow us to go out, you know how it works, don't you?"
Vikas was disappointed and Aarav couldn't see the look in his (Vikas) eyes and immediately made a plan.
"Vicky, we can do this one thing it might be risky bu...,"
"We will take the risk, tell me what's on your mind."
"Tomorrow is Sunday and a rest day for our families which means they will wake up late. We have to walk out of our places early in the morning and no one will intrude us. We need to pick the bus that comes around at 6 o'clock in the morning, take a ticket to Beethal (the place where trekking starts to the peak) and that's when we walk up to the peak."
" The only problem is that we will have to stay there overnight since it will be impossible for us to come back late in the night", he added.
Vikas got all jolly and said, "I have got the money too, you don't have to worry about it. You just arrange the things we will need to stay up there overnight."
They hugged each other in excitement as they were all ready to have a great time the next day.
As planned, both of them quietly got out of their homes. Vikas got the pocket money that he had saved while Aarav intelligently found a tarpaulin, blankets from the store of his home and put it in his big bag. They met near the bus stop as they had their faces covered so that no one recognizes them. They were on time for the bus and it was a ride of one and half hour to Beethal. Although both of them had finally gotten what they wanted all this time, they were tensed about what will happen when they will go back home. They had never gone out without their families and to stay an entire night away from their places was challenging in its own rights. The bus finally reached Beethal and they walked out of the bus.
Aarav inquired how to go up there from the locals while Vikas bought the food items they needed and off they went. They had to pass an entire Forest area before escalating to the very top. Both were frightened about finding dangerous animals on their way up. Luckily, they found another couple of guys who were themselves very young and still in their teenage. They interacted and set down at regular intervals. The phone calls from their parents started to come and they honestly told where they had actually come and all the schedule that they have in their hand. Both the families were nothing but irate and cursed both Vikas and Aarav. Aarav got frustrated and asked Vikas to leave back in time since if they went up, they were required to spend an entire night which would made their parents even more furious. However, Vikas was well affirming and advised Aarav to complete their task otherwise the whole objective of going out would become meaningless. The other two guys alongside motivated them not to think about anything else but the kalimandi peak. Aarav agreed to it and after resting for some time in the midway, they started gearing up to the top. They kept on going and as they went up and up, they forgot about everything else.
They finally reached the kalimandi peak after gruesomely walking up for four hours straight. There was a temple set in the midst of the peak and other than that, there was greenery, there was fresh air ringing through their ears. This was the point when they completely forgot about their fears, they got rid of all their struggles to finally go up to the peak. They screamed in joy as if they had found a new meaning to their lives as if nothing else mattered, the vibe of the place satisfied their entire soul.
After this, they spent the entire night the way they wanted to and walked down early in the morning. They were extremely happy and fearless. They did go back to their places and got a bashing of their lives but it didn't stop them to search for new places to visit. It made them happy and prosperous and getting harsh treatment on part of their families was a small amount to pay.
We all have some of the goals which we feel we can never achieve since we are bounded by one force or the other. I feel when you desire to be something or do something, there's nothing else that can help you to fulfil your desire but the self-motivation to work your butt off to get there. Sure there will be sacrifices required on your part but once you finally achieve your task, it all will make you proud of yourself and your choices.
"Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you!!" This is Ajay Sharma, writing his blogs as Ajtalk, signing out from his 50th blog post!
Churdhar chle bhai...... 😂
ReplyDeleteOkay bro, let's go!! 😂😂
DeleteCongratulations for 50th blog 🙂
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
DeleteCongratulations for the 50th blog! Also the post is ver well written!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
DeleteIt was motivational and inspirational. Sweet small story to realise the inner voice and take appropriate decisions.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much!
DeleteCongratulations and keep it up
ReplyDeleteDude!! It's magnificent ❤️ keep on writing, one day you might publish your work in hard copy
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, this is really a great compliment!
DeleteWell written 💛
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot, truly means the world to me!
DeleteInteresting Ajay you are a good story writer as well.. congrats for half century 😊 keep growing💞
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, it means a lot! 💓💓
DeleteI loved reading this, seriously! 😍 you write so well👏
ReplyDeleteInspired by people like you to do better, thanks for the compliments 😍😍
DeleteCongrats. Great post :)
ReplyDeleteGreat sentiment!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much!
DeleteWow this is really good and inspiring
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, just a thought in my head vented it out!
DeleteIt's a nice story , like really motivating.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, I just tried something different!
DeleteVery well written
ReplyDeleteYou are a amazing story writer and congratulations for the 50th blog post.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much Sukriti, means a lot!